Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Politics- Blood Libel

The bodies have not been buried, yet the Left's opportunism in regard to the assassination attempt of Congressman Giffords demonstrates the depths to which statists will go to further their broader agenda.  But is this new?

Let's take the example of one Lee Harvey Oswald.  Immediately after JFK's murder, none other than Japanese-American persecutor Chief Justice Earl Warren, said that Kennedy had been martyred, “as a result of the hatred and bitterness that has been injected into the life of our nation by bigots.”  Sound familiar?  Of course we all learned later of Oswald's Leftist activities, but how many cheap points were Democrats able to score through baseless speculation gone unchallenged?

The good news is the media genie is now out of the bottle.  Until the late 90s, Americans were spoon fed a steady diet of liberal tripe over the airwaves.  Today, the Drudge Report; National Review Online; Fox News; and a host of other sources (Yours Truly?) have loosed the Left's stranglehold on the minds of the body politic.

Commentary Magazine

1 comment:

  1. It was no, "To Touch the Face of God," speech. A bizzare spectacle, the more I think of it.
